“Who os used to travel knows that is always comes a time when we must leave.”

Here we are, it is time to leave this beautiful country of Greece. After three months in this dream place, here I go, back to France .
This experience for me was a real source of enrichment, in the cultural but also in the professional.

At the cultural level , I was amazed ! It is a country where it is sunny almost all the time, where the water is so blue that it becomes mesmerizing, where music is omnipresent, where food dazzled by its colors and flavors... I hold very good memories in my head!

Professionally, my internship proved to be a valuable and rewarding experience. I worked with great people and I learned a lot about marketing. I could develop new skills such as sense to detail, to improve my organizational skills, realize teamwork, discover new softwares...

This experience allowed me to compare the way Greek people work with French people and see how culture can impact on work patterns... and adapt myself to this.

I think that's the main thing that I would hold in my mind: in order to succeed, we must learn to adapt ourselves.